Spark – Ein weiterer E-Mail-Client für iOS kombiniert Ideen
Aus dem Hause Readdle kommen Apps wie Scanner Pro, Printer Pro und Calendars 5 – und jetzt ganz frisch: Spark, ein E-Mail-Client für…
MailTo with Subject and Body
[code lang=”delphi”]function TMainForm.SendEMail(Recipient, Subject, Body: string): HINST; var MailMsg: string; begin MailMsg := Format(‘mailto:%s?subject=%s&body=%s’, [Recipient, Subject, Body]); Result := ShellExecute(Application.Handle, ‘open’, PChar(MailMsg), nil,…
Open Outlook EMail Form (2)
Deane Hafling wrote in message news:7kdna0$… > How can I call up the Outlook New E-mail Form??? > > I am looking…
Open Outlook EMail Form
Deane Hafling wrote in message … >How can I call up the Outlook New E-mail Form??? > >I am looking at the outlook_tlb.pas…