
QuickReport and Win2000

> a client using a Delphi program written by me installed Win2k on his
> Computer and now some QuickReports don’t work. With Windows 95 and WinNT
> all works fine. I heard now, that there is a problem with Win2k and QR.
> can anybody help me . . .

1) open the qprev.dfm (With Delphi)

2) find the properties ‘enabled = false’ of
Printer setup & printer icons and set
them to ‘enabled = true’
3) save the DFM and recompile…
voila now works under win2k =)


thank you for answering. Sorry that I couldn’t find the qprev.dfm. There
exists a qrprev.dfm but without the properties you wrote about. I work with
Delphi 4 and QReport 3.0.3.


Try to fint these values in DFM:

[code lang=”delphi”]object PrintSetup: TToolButton

Enabled = False

object Print: TToolButton

Enabled = False

Now change the False into True and save
the DFM …

[tags]Delphi, Printing[/tags]

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